Last years Golden Ticket winner had a great 2024, on us!

A huge thanks to Ian, who wrote us a blog reminiscing his year of live music with us at Islington Assembly Hall. Ian was our lucky winner of the Golden ticket 2024 competition, and he made great use of his prize!

When I initially found out I had won the golden ticket, I totally forgot I had entered the competition and failed to realise the enormity of my win. The year started with Sea Power, with my friend Phil the Northerner, who I hadn’t seen in quite a while, so we had some catching up to do. The band were good, but the highlight of the night, was getting told off for talking?

Next up were The Bees with my friend Russ the Leyton Orient chef. I vaguely remember The Bees, but it was a band I would never have booked tickets for. They were brilliant and Russ and I had a fun night.

Billy Bragg with Southend Russ was next. We worked out we’ve seen him four or five times over a 35 year period. Billy was I’m fine form, belting out all the Classics and a few new songs to boot.

I then took my daughter to see Betty Boo for some Dad and Daughter time. Went to this geek more for my daughter than myself not realising the amount of hits Betty had. Betty was on fire and as she’s kept saying it was a night of good vibes only.

I’d seen CSS 30 odd years ago my WhatsApp absolutely awesome. They didn’t fail to disappoint and started by blasting out The Venger Bus. My son has been studying in Australia, but was back for this gig. CSS were absolutely awesome and you could tell they were just glad to be back playing together I’m making the most of this opportunity. Definitely the best gig of my year.

Arrested Development when next up with Southend Russ. We been catching up in the Hen and Chickens and arrived late to greet Speech the lead singer getting off his tour bus. Another great night in an amazing venue.

Jack White was quite last minute and very under the radar to everyone, but his ardent of fans. My son hadn’t heard of him, but soon looked him up on Spotify and realised he had a catalogue of bangers. Jack didn’t disappoint. You could really tell he knew how to work the crowd and it was great to see him in such an intimate venue.

Terrorvision weren’t really on my radar, but once I’ve listened to a few of their tracks, I realised I knew them from back in the day. Terrorvision were brilliant and one of the most uplifting bands we saw.

I’d last seen Tom Robinson way back in the day with Southend Russ. Wasn’t too sure what to expect from Tom at the ripe old age of 74, but he was brilliant, belting out all the old favourites. Being 74, he had a little break, came out refreshed for an amazing second half to the show.

Last saw Maximo Park on the last night before the Hammersmith Palais closed. My son had been to see the band the night before and raved about them. The next night they were fantastic and they even did a slightly different set from the night before.

My son and I are huge cycling fans and have seen Ned Boulting a few times before who is very funny and witty.

Next up were the Crash Test Dummies. I remember going with Russ the Chef, but don’t remember much about the gig, although Russ said it was a great night!

I went to see Nada Surf with my son Jimmy, We both loved them, but couldn’t believe how such a bunch of disparate people had got together in the first place, let alone were still going 30 years later.

Maribou State are one of my daughters favourite bands and she was very excited that we had tickets. Maribou weren’t really on my radar, but once I’d heard a few tracks, I realised that I’ve heard them a lot on the radio and really like them. A great night and the band were fantastic.

Next up were TV on the Radio, who for a bunch of old guys, had an amazing amount of energy, especially the lead singer who didn’t stop. They were just brilliant.

Our last gig was Pete Docherty!

In summary, the Golden Ticket was one of the best things to happen to me in 2024.

I went to see a gig every few weeks, most of which would never have come upon my radar and if they did, I would’ve almost certainly not have bought a ticket to the majority of them. Almost every single gig was a hit with myself and the people who came with me. The only drawback is the golden ticket has come to an end and I’ll have to pay to go and see Gigs. But Islington Assembly Hall is such a fantastic venue, that I will be back to try and see a gig every couple of months or so.

My Top 5 Gigs

1) CSS by a mile.
2) Maximo Park (a close call, just edged it)
3) Maribou State (a close call, just lost out)
4) Jack White
5) Tom Robinson & TV On The Radio (to close to call)